The financial crisis and the Next President

“Some day you will die, have that disturbing detail in mind” I read a long while ago in some book whose author and title I forgot.
The above reference can well serve to describe Wall Street’s actual situation, which, all of the sudden, threatens to kill the system with all of us in it, unless “D” Plan is enacted into law and executed.

“You are right" he says. "Looks like game is over for speculators”.
"You will need to set aside some savings under your mattress and prepare your grandchildren psychologically, as this looks like will reach everybody down in the next 3 generations,” he goes on, assured we are in crisis .
If we divide that bombastic amount by the total population, the bill each one of us will get is $2,333.33. The crisis will hit creatures of all nature, including aliens, legal and illegal.
But the real question is “will it work”? Well, that, nobody knows. For one thing, President Bush has been waking up a bit pale lately, and the very first thing he does is run to the mic and the cameras permanently placed, for his convenience, in the green of the White House to ask marketers for prudence and Congress for action and leadership, before is too late and the whole system is reduced to dust and ashes.
“Tough decision” is the phrase he most repeats, as the world watches some real interesting moves from the capitalist giant in its efforts to control the crisis and a sick market, which most knowledgeable people always thought was untouchable by politics and regulation.
Hugo Chavez and his pack are having moments of great joy. He insists “we must excel to speed up the failure of the [US] financial system”.
Surprisingly or not, the patient, on the first intent, rejected the prescribed medicine. But doctors insist, that the worse might be yet to come, and, therefore, they urge Congress to live up to its roll and pass the emergency package in the next chance on Thursday or whatever day of the week. If not, we will all die strapped and strangled.
All the sudden, this unpredicted calamity, that’s banging the networks these days, could be real after all, but given Mr. Bush’s record on the tactics of fear, I wonder, “is it really the end of time”?
He is not scheduled for a third election, so, perhaps that is something to have in mind this time. I still don’t trust the guy though.
My in-law, Manuel, seriously thinks “this is it for marketers and Wall Street sharks”. He is happy about the lesson and feels market must have some form of government regulation for the few, but dangerous, predators out of control.
My brother-in-law keeps walking straight while I make a stop at the other side of the post office. I stand still holding the envelope in my hands. Silence is broken by some playful insects whirling behind my ears in this remote town of less than 100 people as I walk across the un-paved street to bask in my ballot in the mailbox. There goes my vote for the next President of the United States who will inherit this mess.
Member of Salvadorans in the World – © Salvadoreños en el Mundo
If we divide that bombastic amount by the total population, the bill each one of us will get is $2,333.33. The crisis will hit creatures of all nature, including aliens, legal and illegal.
But the real question is “will it work”? Well, that, nobody knows. For one thing, President Bush has been waking up a bit pale lately, and the very first thing he does is run to the mic and the cameras permanently placed, for his convenience, in the green of the White House to ask marketers for prudence and Congress for action and leadership, before is too late and the whole system is reduced to dust and ashes.
“Tough decision” is the phrase he most repeats, as the world watches some real interesting moves from the capitalist giant in its efforts to control the crisis and a sick market, which most knowledgeable people always thought was untouchable by politics and regulation.
Hugo Chavez and his pack are having moments of great joy. He insists “we must excel to speed up the failure of the [US] financial system”.
Surprisingly or not, the patient, on the first intent, rejected the prescribed medicine. But doctors insist, that the worse might be yet to come, and, therefore, they urge Congress to live up to its roll and pass the emergency package in the next chance on Thursday or whatever day of the week. If not, we will all die strapped and strangled.
All the sudden, this unpredicted calamity, that’s banging the networks these days, could be real after all, but given Mr. Bush’s record on the tactics of fear, I wonder, “is it really the end of time”?
He is not scheduled for a third election, so, perhaps that is something to have in mind this time. I still don’t trust the guy though.
My in-law, Manuel, seriously thinks “this is it for marketers and Wall Street sharks”. He is happy about the lesson and feels market must have some form of government regulation for the few, but dangerous, predators out of control.
My brother-in-law keeps walking straight while I make a stop at the other side of the post office. I stand still holding the envelope in my hands. Silence is broken by some playful insects whirling behind my ears in this remote town of less than 100 people as I walk across the un-paved street to bask in my ballot in the mailbox. There goes my vote for the next President of the United States who will inherit this mess.
Member of Salvadorans in the World – © Salvadoreños en el Mundo
ReplyDeleteSiempre leo este autor, pero en El Salvador todavia no somo bilingues como parece ser este buen columnista.
Podria alguine poner la traducción?
Juan Carlos, ahi le va una traduccion automata de Google (contiene errores):
ReplyDeleteLa crisis financiera y el próximo presidente
Por José Manuel Ortiz Benítez *
"Amor mío algún día se mueren, que han inquietante detalle en cuenta" He leído en algunos libros una hace mucho tiempo cuyo autor y título se me olvidó.
La referencia puede servir para describir Wall Street real de la situación, que, todas las repente, amenaza con matar al sistema con todos nosotros en ella, a menos que "D" Plan promulgado en la ley y ejecutado.
"$ 50 millones, $ 90 billones, $ 200 billones, no, $ 700 millones son desesperadamente necesarios para poner fin a esta hecatombe de eminentes patriotas los contribuyentes, de acuerdo a los técnicos que trabajan en poner una solución a este agujero negro financiero" le digo a mi compañero.
"Tiene usted razón, dice, se ve como juego es más para los especuladores", responde.
"Tendrá que dejar de lado algunos ahorros bajo su colchón y preparar psicológicamente a sus nietos, ya que esto se parece a todo el mundo alcanzará en los próximos 3 generaciones", continúa.
Si dividimos grandilocuente que por la cantidad total de la población, el proyecto de ley cada uno de nosotros recibirá es de $ 2333,33. La crisis golpeará todas las criaturas de la naturaleza, incluidos los extranjeros, legales e ilegales.
Pero la verdadera pregunta es "¿Funcionará? Bueno, que nadie sabe. Por un lado, el Presidente Bush ha sido despertar un poco pálido últimamente, y la primera cosa que hace es ejecutar a la micro y las cámaras permanentemente, por su conveniencia, en el verde de la Casa Blanca para pedir a los comercializadores a la prudencia y Congreso de la acción y el liderazgo, antes de sea demasiado tarde y todo el sistema se reduce a polvo y cenizas.
"Difícil decisión" es la frase que más se repite, como los relojes del mundo real algunos interesantes movimientos de la gigante capitalista en sus esfuerzos para controlar la crisis y un mercado enfermo, que más bien la gente siempre pensó que era intocable por la política y la regulación.
Hugo Chávez y su envase están teniendo momentos de gran alegría. Él insiste en que "debe sobresalir para acelerar el fracaso de la [EE.UU.] sistema financiero".
Sorprendentemente o no, el paciente, en el primer intento, rechazó el medicamento prescrito. Pero los médicos insisten en que el peor puede ser aún por venir, y, por lo tanto, instamos al Congreso a la altura de su despliegue y aprobar el paquete de emergencia en la próxima oportunidad el jueves o cualquier día de la semana. Si no es así, vamos a morir todos atado y estrangulado.
Todas las repente, esta calamidad imprevistos, que golpeando las redes estos días, podría ser real después de todo, pero en vista de Bush sobre el historial de las tácticas de miedo, me pregunto, "¿es realmente el final de los tiempos"?
No está prevista para una tercera elección, por lo que, tal vez eso es algo a tener en cuenta este momento.
Mi in-law, Manuel, en serio cree que "esto es para los comercializadores y los tiburones de Wall Street". Él es feliz acerca de la lección y se siente mercado deben tener algún tipo de regulación gubernamental para unos pocos, pero peligrosos, los depredadores fuera de control.
Mi cuñado sigue caminando recto mientras yo hacer una parada en el otro lado de la oficina de correos. Estoy buscando todavía a lo que está en mis manos. El silencio es roto por algunos giros juguetones insectos detrás de mis oídos en esta remota ciudad de menos de 100 personas como yo a pie a través de la ONU-calle pavimentada a disfrutar en mi papeleta en el buzón para el próximo Presidente de los Estados Unidos que esto heredar .
Miembro de los salvadoreños en el mundo - © Salvadoreños en el Mundo
Al amigo de las 6:06
ReplyDeleteEsta un poco disparatado pero capto el fondo.
Muchas zankius,
Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas".
"El Estado de derecho en las plataformas políticas".
Invita: Instituto de Investigación Jurídica de la UCA
Ponente: Mauricio Funes, candidato presidencial del FMLN
Fecha: Martes 7 de octubre • 5:30 p.m. Lugar: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría.
I am not sure I undestand, is this guy an american citizen??
ReplyDeleteThank you
Robert Smith
I do agree with the writer of this article in he which portraits our genuine fears and also, happiness for a new law that will preclude the predators in wall street gangs.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, my absentee balloting will be on the way this week to my local Board Election Commissioners for Barack Obama, to change this pathologic political behavior that Mr. Bush has erected.
There are no way to continue with same Bush policies of spending and spending our taxes without real policies that enables to retain our houses and gain better financial stability for citizens.
No more Republicans in White House!
Jose Matatias Delgado Y Del Hambre.
No sabia que el amigo Ortiz se manejaba en la lengua de Shakespeare al igual que en la de Cervantes.
ReplyDeleteVery proficient. Congratulations. I enjoyed the story.
I am sorry but the deffiencies that this mimic of analist and poor writer does in spanish, in english is really embarrising. Very dumb, without any logic and more than anything STUPID!!!
ReplyDeleteRichard Glenwood
Are we talkng to an alien from where?
ReplyDeleteApparently Mr. Glenwood of no-where doesn't understand Englsh neiter Spanish.
Shall we speak Scandinavian then?
Sorry for your dumbness and stupidy of what you write. Go to learn little bite of Spanish and English Language academy and come back with a by-lingual article.
Ciao, (hopefully you speak Italian!)
Jose Matatias Delgado Y Del Hambre.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *** <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
PD Lo que este hombrecito dice es lo siguiente:
"Lo siento pero las deficiencias de esta mimica de analisis y pobre escritor lo hace en Espanol, en Ingles es realmente ridiculo. Muy mudo, sin ninguna logica y mas que todo ESTUPIDO !!!
Richard Glenwood
Le replico:
Estamos hablando de un ser extraterrestre de donde?
Aparentemente el Sr. Glenwood de ninguna parte, no entiende Ingles ni Espanol.
Hablemos Escandinavo entonces.
Lo siento por tu estupides y escritura sin sentido vete a una Academia de lengua en idioma Ingles y Espanol y regresa con un articulo en los dos idiomas.
Ciao, (haber si habla Italiano!)
Jose Matatias Delgado Y Del Hambre.
My Dear Friend Richard (masked Salvadoran trying to pretend white and educated),
ReplyDeleteThis is what your wrote,
"I am sorry but the deffiencies that this mimic of analist and poor writer does in spanish, in english is really embarrising. Very dumb, without any logic and more than anything STUPID!!!"
Please not in bold your writing deficiencies,
"I am sorry but the deficiencies that this mimic of analyst and poor writer does in Spanish, in English is really embarrassing. Very dumb, without any logic and more than anything STUPID!!!"
Your are going to make a case about somebody else’s writing, please check your own, that way you wont look as brainless as you have.
Mr. Richard
ReplyDeleteIf your are going to strike against an author’s writing, please do so rigorously, spot the text which you question and put forward your base arguments.
So far your comment does not provide any argumentation, other than the plain insult, which, in technical writing is known as “run-down, grub-level refutation”.
Pedro Antonio
Las Vegas